Amstel House Hostel Berlin in Berlin, Berlin

Einrichtung and Unterkunft   Waldenserstraße 31, Berlin, Berlin 10551

Stage a turbulent history, the center of the alternative scene, popular city in Europe, the temple of electronic music and contemporary art: doubt Berlin is one of the most interesting cities in the world. The Amstel House Hostel Berlin welcomes you to this amazing metropolis. Located not far from the main attractions of Berlin district in the district of Moabit, the latest hot spot in Berlin's Mitte.


Einrichtung   Unterkunft  

Adresse :
Waldenserstraße 31
Berlin 10551
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Amstel House Hostel Berlin | Zentral - Gut - Preiswert
Stage a turbulent history, the center of the alternative scene, popular city in Europe, the temple of electronic music and contemporary art: doubt Berlin is one of the most interesting cities in the world. The Amstel House Hostel Berlin welcomes you to this amazing metropolis. Located not far from the main attractions of Berlin district in the district of Moabit, the latest hot spot in Berlin's Mitte.

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